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{1/365 | JJ} ~renew~ I.L.P.

Happy New Year, photoghers!!!  I absolutely love the boost of energy and renewal that the dawn of a new year brings, especially here in the northern hemisphere, when it’s rainy and cold and dark!  I’ve been thinking extensively about what I wanted for myself and my family this year, and it led me to create an I.L.P.  I write I.E.P.s (Individualized Education Program) as a part of my profession, which is a binding contract with specific, measurableIMG_3968  objective goals and objectives. Why not do the same for myself? My Individualized Life Program?  Here it goes:

ANNUAL Goal: “By 12/31/13, JJ will increase her satisfaction rating of ‘somewhat satisfied  (baseline) to ‘quite satisfied’ on a self-made life survey.”

Behavioral Objective #1: Hydration.  JJ will consume a minimum of 64 oz of H2O with 80% accuracy. (Gotta be realistic and give yourself some wiggle room.)

Behavioral Objective #2: Food Journaling.  JJ will complete daily food journals of 95% of consumed calories (a few vitamin gummies or Hershey’s kisses can slip under the radar), 5/7 days each week through at least the end of March 2013.

Behavioral Objective #3: Late Night Snacking.  JJ will consume no more than 100 calories after dinner on 90% of opportunities (dinner parties and book club must be exempt!  Thus, the 10% leeway!)

Behavioral Objective #4: Size.  JJ will comfortably fit into a) size 10 pants by June 30, 2013 and b) size 8 pant by 12/31/2012.  (Was originally thinking of doing weight since it is more objective and less variable than pants with spandex.  Ok. Here I go. I’m going to put it out there.  I want to weigh 160 by end of June and 150 by end of year.  There. I said it.)

Behavioral Objective #5. Movement.  JJ will run, attend a fitness class, or work out at the gym 3 days a week, 3/4 weeks each month.  (I’m currently in a good groove with this one!  Feeling stronger and increased energy already!)

Behavioral Objective #6 Creative Expression.  JJ will post increasingly higher quality and creative photos on specified days with 90% accuracy without requiring visual, written or verbal prompting by fellow photoghers.

There.  It’s a binding contract with myself.  Clear, measurable and attainable.  Because if NOW is not the time to get myself into shape and take care of my body and life, when is?

I am feeling renewed.

Hi,  I'm Jen. I am a natural light family portrait photographer serving the north Olympic peninsula. I love babies, capturing joy, and running around with my two energetic boys. Sunsets, fields of grass or fireweed, rivers, the ocean, my family and friends feed my soul. And also grande nonfat lattes with a pack of sugar....