{142/366 | Texx} Sweet Peace
I look at my baby boy, he grows by the second. Today, he took a nap. Naps are becoming a thing of the past in this household. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Blessed with a short term sense of time…I am NOT. However, long term time (is that a real thing?) I’ve always had a good grasp on that.
Celebrate the Chaos! The insanity of how crazy our children can make us. Of sleepless nights and pee soaked couches, carpets and co-sleeping areas. LOL. These days of mispronounced words and random hugs will be no more, all too soon. Please know, I’m not saying it’s all laughter & cuddles. But the yin & yang of it, is like no other. I shall try to celebrate the chaos a little more. At this moment though…I am celebrating a sliver of sweet peace.