{161/366 | JJ} In a Minolta…
I ventured off to an estate sale bright and early this lovely morning. We tend to have quite a few around here. I would say ‘unfortunately’, but that’s kind of the way it goes when the average age of your town’s resident is 65 years old. Never the less, they creep me out a bit. Strangers rummaging around in your bookshelves and old VHS tapes. Eerie. Anyway, this one was being run by the gentleman’s daughter, who was selling most of his older camera equipment. She recalled with a smile all the times she used to go out walking with her father (camera in hand), and her recurring line became, “Come on! Hurry up, Dad!!!” You could see the rush of memories come to her face as she told me her story. Photography is so much more than just taking pictures….
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Sonja Younger
I have such envy right now! Love the hand in the lens!!!!!!! AWESOME photo and prop!