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{200/366 | Texx} 2 to the Hundred!

200 Days! Woop…Woopidy..Woop. Woop. Woop. Of course I cannot post only one pic. Seriously though…THANK YOU! Thanks so very much for making PhotogHer happen!

After the luncheon I had to stop at my favorite Austin park and snap a few. This really is a pretty city. Tons of people using the Colorado River and just doin’ stuff outside. There must be 200 windows on one of those buildings.

Here are the 100s of butterflies and mirrors that hang over the escalators at Neiman Marcus. This pic is a tiny bit better than the last time. Still doesn’t capture the magnificence of it though. So I guess I’m gonna need to just keep going back? 🙂


Watering the H2O-melon early this morn and I was hosing down this guy. Hanging on for dear life, he must’ve thought he was incognito because he stayed put. I ran inside to get the camera, he stayed put. He’s hiding like my kids do. You can’t see me, LOL.

Howdy! Obsessed with all things photography. Love to teach, and heal through this art. #photogHER2Day Coming to you from Austin, Tx. Above all else (and it's a lot) I'm Mom to Abby & Atlas. Married to my greatest supporter and friend, Curt. Everyday, I choose gratitude over grief.  #MakeTheTime to create for me, so I can be the very best for all those in my life. My "Why": 10 years ago I lost my brother. He was my best friend, my mentor, my compass.  He got sick out of the blue at the 30 years-old and was an inspiration to many. He traveled the world and never had many images to show for it all. I cherish ALL the images we have of Rafael. Blurry or not, I only wish we had more. I capture images of my everyday. Obssessed with capturing moments of my children, of my life and even my businesses. I believe the only thing that seperates a good image from a great image is its ability to tell a story and ultimately make you, the viewer, feel something.

Comments: 1

  • JJ

    20 Jul ’12

    Happy 200, Texx!

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