I have this adorable tag hanging from my rear-view mirror (that Prof made) to remind me of all that I have learned and all that I love about this photographic adventure that I started nearly a year ago now. Although truly focusing
One perk of working from home is the ability to make a zoo with the kiddos on my coffee break. That, and the laid back work attire.
We have a few children's books with no words. Strange concept really, books with no words. Like a couch with no cushions. Tonight the kiddos were "reading" one of said books and Little Man was narrating for Little Miss. Ok,
Thank you, Mr. Bumble! I will enjoy the fruits of your labor in about a month and a half, when these fresh raspberries join my pineapple, banana, watermelon and grapes!
Hey, Baby! Wanna make fruit salad? You look pretty cool in your shades! (omg I am a trad
It's not alarming for a 365 photographer to lose it a bit, right? It's not concerning when they start drawing faces on fruit to use for a portrait, right? Maybe it's all the hours I've spent in front of a
Today the Abinator started her first week of Summer Camp. The Atlasourus got dropped off at the Spa o' Kid and I WORKED! I worked on the wedding photos; they're coming along. It felt soooo good to use my brain
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to
My cup runneth over! We all had a great time at the pool. This pic is of two young teens, happy (I know ?) and playing Uno in the pool. LOL. I don't know what this Texas place has in the
We got crafty yesterday. I grabbed a fantabulous playdough recipe from here: SkipToMyLou.org It's a great recipe & we got to learn more about mixing primary colors to make other cool new colors. Most of all the kids (me too) had
You can never be too careful. #1 is quite protected while enjoying his allotted media time!
There's a lot next to our house that doesn't get mowed in perfect rows every spring and it brings tons of daises. Little Man loves to pick them and bring them to me. He used to say "I picked this for you