Baby Bub is one month old and I couldn't resist the age stickers. I know, dork-ish. Did I mention he's smiling? Oh lawd, he's redonkculously scrumptious.
This has been a busy week, with kinder starting for #1, and preschool for #2. We enjoyed a bit of quiet time in the late afternoon to regroup.
Too dang hot today. This was the temp. today on our back patio. I would say it's broken but it's NOT. It currently reads a downright chilly 88 out there and that's about right. Not complaining (okay I am) but
Apparently I have a shoe obsession. Didn't need these last two pictures to tell me that! These little ones were the Hubs, circa 1977. Obsessed. If they were edible, I'd eat them.
Here's the first pic I snapped today of my 300+ in the 100+ Hizeeat! The kids are going to make bookmarks from their photos & I can't wait to see 'em. It was lots of fun. So after 4 different
Little Miss decided to dress up a bit for her daily swing. Very fancy indeed. I love these little shoes. They just aren't as adorable in a women's size 9 1/2.
I'm hardly an early riser, but I make some exceptions. Hot air balloon launches are one such exception. And here was the lovely sunrise on my way.
First day of KINDERGARTEN for my #1, and first day of preschool for my #2!! So exciting, and we had an amazingly beautiful day and celebration on the field with the entire school to 'gong' in the new school year.
We (together) planned out all the outfits for the week, and Mini-me
Tomorrow Mini-me starts school again. We had a busy day today and although it was too dang hot to do it
Another balloon post. I apologize in advance. Blam and I got up at the crack of dawn (actually, she had already been up since 4 with Babe
Bit different from Florida, but still loverly!