{240/366 | Texx} Baby Girl
Well Mini-Me attempted her first runaway today (kind of). She decided she wasn’t going to return back home with Mini-He and Me. Spending the night at the park seemed like a much better idea. I didn’t have the energy, so I let Mini-He out of the car to say his good-byes.
“What will you do when it rains?” She giggled, “Vere’s shelter right dere.” “What will you do if there’s an emergency.” “Simple! Call 9-9-1.” I gave her The look. “I mean 9-1-1” I asked, “How will you make this call? You have no phone.” Long pause, she looked at the empty parking lot, “I will just find my way home ven.” “Do you know the way home from here?” Long pause. {I said I had no energy right? This was taking much more mental energy than I’d anticipated – I should of said, “Get in the dang car because I said so! I’m your ALL-KNOWING mother!”} still silence whilst she thought. Then she said, “I just want to stay.” “Okaaaay” and began to roll up the window. “Well then, take care & be careful. I love you more than anything in the whole world.” Window almost up, she took one last look around and said, “I want to come home wif you.”
Ummm not the brightest Mommy Move. Just like going to the pool on Monday, again, when it’s closed for cleaning (every Monday). Yeah she wasn’t happy about that one. I’m glad that she chose to come home with us, on her own accord after thinking it out. Next time I’ll just plop that little behind into the seat, LOL. Anyhow, took this pic right before bedtime and she looks so little. Something about the angle, you can still see a tiny, itty bit of baby. I’m probably reaching, but I can see it.
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First gradesque for the Mini-me, I can’t!
She does look so little in this picture! KINDERGARTEN!! AHHHH!!! So exciting and crazy!