{32/366 | Texx} Riiiiisssseee UP!
Today ~ this 1st day of BLAMruary,2012 ~ was THE quintessential PhotogHer day! Mini-He is back to his, up @ 5 AM (not so cool). That gave me a solid lead on getting Mini-me’s snack, clothes, yadda yadda everything ready for her to walk out the door at 7am with the Hubs. I was determined to NOT miss the fog today, so Mini-He and I ventured out at 7:02 am – had to text JJ to wake that Biddie UP for Dawn Yoga (is that like really clean yoga? Just wonderin’)
We left our house as thousands of robin flew (swarmed) overhead. The fog was thick, the sun almost up. We made our way down to the pond to scare some ducks and take picks. Up and down windy paths, past great Oaks and dew covered feathery plants. To the park. Five and a half miles, One-Hundred and Twenty-Three photos later we arrived back home at 9:30am.
Picked up Mini-me after school and I noticed the perfect picture taking clouds. PERFECT! So I had dinner ready and served by 4:30pm, everyone fed and I was ready to head out the door at 5pm for some sunset (ALONE) glory and the Hubs got a work call…grrrr! Dang work, I have noooo complaints. So I got these incredible shots of the kids playing outback in our new “Fire-Pit” LOL it’s rained a little bit. The had fun and I just think this is the coolest shot, sunset lighting and clouds perfect. It seems like he’s summoning up the H2O. I love it!
I can only hope to have a photo day like today, perhaps someday again. Must learn more…I AM OBSESSED with this Photog Livin’!
♥ Texx {1 BLAMruary 2012}
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Love this! So summery 🙂
Great shot! I love your little signature in the bottom too! Looks so cute!