{54/366 | Texx} Hot Biddie
So, to start allow me to apologize in advance for my posts being very Andy Rooney-esque for the next few weeks…I am off the sauce until I loose 20 lbs, and after today’s…Sitting in lots of traffic. Dinner on the table late. Two ~ oddly needy, screaming, taking 2 hours after bed time to get to sleep ~children. Dirty dishes still in the sink. Clean dished still need to be put away. House a mess. Another Phone Book in the driveway. Overweight. Blam gift not done. This post needs to get done. And it was too dang Hot today (90). It all reminds me why I drinka da sauce in the first place!
So, this is where I tell my self to shut the eff up, fix what I don’t like and deal…These are not REAL problems, onward… This is the last pic I got to take with the tilt-shift. This ol’ Biddie looked hot and she wasn’t moving for me, my 24 or anything else :o)