{7/52 | Texx} Reflection
Here’s one pic with both babes in it from yesterday. I so didn’t want to post until I got The Blamsta’s B-dDay gift done, but alas. We’ll have to wait another day. Before me Mentor T left we went back to the falls that we fell in love with 2 days before and brought the family along.
Got full sunlight, lots more water and people. It wasn’t as majestic as it was when we first found it but it still was pretty great. I got some great shots of the kids with Abby’s new found friend that we met in the parking lot and then again on the rocks, but I don’t want to post them without her parents permission…Ironically new friend’s Dad’s parents are from da da na naaaa Port Townsend, LOL. What a small world.
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Shadow and reflection? Crazy cool!