{23/366 | Texx} MomGyver
MomGyver: Season 37 – Episode 1,885,007,654
After a super duper rough day I decided to get in some good ol’ fashioned, Shopping Therapy. So, I alone – well, with Atlas who I lost for a minute and a 1/2 at the store…Found him in the Toy Golf Club Isle, LOL. Anywhooooo, loaded these two 50 lb sofas onto the cart and then into the car… All by my pretty-girl lonesome! What? STRONG is the new SEXY! That was for Nikki. Well, they didn’t fit in the car ~ and the drive back home is 20 miles ~ and the effn store sells everything from sofas to baby golf clubs ~ but NO rope, NO bungee cords, NO easy way home for this already upset MAMA.
But I aint any Mom? I’m MomGyver! It took me a good 15 minutes to come up with this concoction; between 3 seatbelts~ yes – the hatch handle ~ yes- an axe ~ yes – a flashlight ~ we got home.With just enough time to take this pic, unload (the 2x 50 lb sofas) and turn around to pick up The Abinator from her TaeKwonDo class, woop! {Yes, she asked if she could have a “pink belt” instead of white. LOL.} Carried-on to The Costco did some food shopping, got back and dragged these bad boys inside and then upstairs into their new home in the Theater Room. They’re not very comfy – but they’re stayin’!