{181/366 | Texx} Triple Threat
I had NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idea what this “triple threat” was before a few weeks ago, when I met with me business strategist . LOL. AKA, a wonderful Mom of one of Abby’s classmates. So, yesterday the hubs (skeptical, to say the least) and I went to meet this marketing team/firm Three Defined and it was fantillyfabulous! Both Hub’s and I have decent business minds, but these ladies put THE BIG PICTURE & FOCUS into perspective. I’m going to have to redo almost ALL of my pinterest boards, BuMMER, and actually make a long term commitment! LOL. One would think that…One with a full-fledged-family wouldn’t be so phobic about long-term commitment? Alas, I do have fear, it’s all coming along loverly! Dang I ♥ Mamas who have their Ish together, whom are A. Mamas B. Women (lol, redundunt?lol.) C. I can relate to. ♥Texx