{234/366 | JJ} Diēs Caniculārēs Finivit
According to the wiki, “Dog Days” are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. Although in the PNW, I’m not sure if we’ve ever had a time period that would qualify as such, but nevertheless, our ‘dog days’ are numbered! Some parents are relieved when school begins again, but for me, it also translates to ‘back to work’ after a refreshing rejuvenating long break. I so enjoy my students at school and my career, but I L-O-V-E spending time with my kids and taking that aspect of my life out of the picture for a bit. Today’s ‘back to school’ playdate at my son’s school reminded me of how close we are to finivit.
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Adorable. And COLD. LOL I thought it was hot there yesterday?