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{25/365 | JJ} ~dream~ “Under the Table and….”

To find inspiration for my interpretation of our word of the week ‘Dream’, I asked the boys what they dream about.  Lil’ Bro said he dreams of having an ‘eagle buddy’, and Big Bro said, “That is a really hard question, Mom.”  True.  I realized at their age, their dreams (aspirations and also hopes) are so concrete, simple and immediate.  They dream of getting ‘syrupy breakfast’, of new Bey Blades, and receiving packages in the mail containing the animal bones they ordered (yes….they just spent their allowance on a beaver skull and badger claws.  Being a mom of boys is not for the faint of heart.)

As they mature and grow, I wonder how many ‘meetings’ they will have under tents of blankets discussing their dreams, especially when the ideas become bigger and more complex.  All I hope is that their dreams for themselves are as big as mine for them.


Hi,  I'm Jen. I am a natural light family portrait photographer serving the north Olympic peninsula. I love babies, capturing joy, and running around with my two energetic boys. Sunsets, fields of grass or fireweed, rivers, the ocean, my family and friends feed my soul. And also grande nonfat lattes with a pack of sugar....