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{235/365 | JJ} Dog Days

It has been way too long!  I have mixed feelings about the school year starting. Yes, it means that I no longer have to keep two young boys occupied for days on end.  Yes, it means fewer days to explore the river, go to the beach, garden and such.  But it also means that I head back to work.  Don’t get me wrong…I love my career!  I love the teachers that I work with, and the children that I get to know and help.  But to be able to put that part of my life aside for a few months is luxurious!  Yesterday, we spent the entire day at the lake.  Big Bro rode a log around as if it was a boat.  Lil Bro threw rocks in the water and took pictures with our new waterproof and shockproof camera (excellent for the boys!).  It was heavenly!DSCF0134

Hi,  I'm Jen. I am a natural light family portrait photographer serving the north Olympic peninsula. I love babies, capturing joy, and running around with my two energetic boys. Sunsets, fields of grass or fireweed, rivers, the ocean, my family and friends feed my soul. And also grande nonfat lattes with a pack of sugar....