May the path rise up to meet you; whichever you so choose. May happiness be your measure of success. There are times when you'll be so good you'll astonish yourself, and those around you. Enjoy these moments but don't let them cripple you
This week we'll be working on backlighting & exposure. Let's see what moves you! Expose for your subject
A selfie in front of my screens. All, in the house, were finally asleep and I had those precious Need-Free (not a sole in the house needed anything from the Mommy) time. It's been a while since I've taken a selfie and
We saw these wildflowers before leaving the Austin Waldorf campus. Then had a Mommy & Me Spa Day. It was absolutely perfect! Annnnnd more wildflowers today and one of the Loves of my Life. The wind was howling, and she's just stunning. Took
I shall celebrate getting a snap of Mini-me's very first hit, ever. We strolled down to the baseball fields here, and it was the perfect opportunity to practice shutter speed. I wanted to capture the motion of the bat and have her
It's JJ week here at the photogHER. We hope it's simply GRAND, JJ.
With these skies and at the perfect location. I seriously wanted to cry when the family gave me nuthin', nada, blank expressions to work with. I just didn't have the energy to get it out of them.
No one (in me family) participated in the dream that I had of photographing my family at the Lavender aka Wine Festival today. The grumps did NOT want to participate. I do have this pic, that shows tumultuous skies and lavender fields. There are
Had a playdate on Monday and the weather here couldn't've been more perfect. Mini-me's classmate sat still and looked like he was meditating for the first time ever :) Going for the blank slate, to start a new.
Word of the week is Blank. Technical challenge Framing. Here's my brother on the beach he squatted on in St. John. He took this selfie (which he said was a chore to get the framing right and into the hammock b4 the
Park benches. Spring Sundresses. Lots and lots of laughter and sunshine. MY Warmth.
Dirty little boy hands, in a park, eating strawberries