Whilst visiting my Grandma we had to hit up The National Museum of Play. This is always a ton of fun for us. It's ruined me for all other children's museums. Nothing can compare. This time around was even more
Mini-he was splashing in the puddles (against my pleas to not do so) whilst Mini-Me, well refer to title LOL Lake Ontario
Snuggling and photographing Baby Blam upped my baby fever for sure! He is so scrumptious and good and smells heavenly. Thank you, Blamo for allowing us to turn your living room into a studio and using your child as a model. So
Got the letter from school today with the dates for fall. Hard to believe summer is almost over. Little Man is going five days a week this year; I'm going to miss him!
The children played at my Grandma's house on the same lime green carpet my brother and I did so many years ago. I had to take these shots as the light poured through the window onto the piano & them.
Reluctant to do selfie today. Had a great time hanging out with girlfriends today at a pool. Feeling very body conscious since several of my fellow lounging mamas were sporting BIKINIS! This mama needs to hit the gym and go
You're going to have to put up with my Baby Boy obsession for a while. What can I say, he's frackin adorable and I want to eat his cheeks.
This was taken in the bar that was part to the Old, OOOOLLLDDDD Inn that we rented out for Raf-A-Palooza. Although my exif data is still on West Coast time it was officially Sunday when this pic was taken. Also
Pool on a hot (for here anyway) day with wonderful family and friends. What could be better?
I'm a complete sucker for flowers. We've been the recipients of some amazing bouquets since Baby Boy hit the scene and I'm in heaven.
Friends and family traveled from many miles to attend this years Raf-A-Palooza. My brother would've turned 40 this year, on January 4th. August 24th will be the eight year anniversary of his passing. We usually find a way to get family together
Project Bergstrom Garden has officially entered Phase 5: Let's Eat! We have beans galore, lettuce aplenty, and carrots coming out our ears. Now we're waiting for radishes, corn, zucchini, and tomatoes!