Took this at 4 something, something AM! It's me, taken by me. 2 mo' selfies in 2012 wowza!
My first night away from Little Bub in DC. Sniff. Sniff. Luckily he's in good hands with grandfolk and mommy milk.
Perhaps it's because
I'm traveling to DC tomorrow for work. Little Bub will be with me on the plane and then with Grandfolk. The chuckleheads will be with the Hubs. I was trying to give them a frame of reference for how long
Today was glorious. I got to go participate in a toy drive-work out at my old trainer's new gym to start the day off right. On the way home, I was waiting for a short line of cars to pass
Our first instinct is to try to make some sense out of these things; however, this act could never make sense. Upon hearing today's horrific news I literally got sick and like you have been sobbing for most of the day.
These clouds were gorgeous. I mean, just delicious. I may eat the picture.
We finally decorated. I put the little voice in my head saying "you'll be taking these down in 2 weeks!" out in the cold and turned up the Christmas carols and got to work! It's lookin' mighty spiffy!
Wrong day, but I have to let it go. Another tradition carried on. My mother and a few of her friends always got together every year before xmas to make lefse. This is the second in a row continuing this
Doves, maybe? They were HUGE!
We made our annual trip to the local tree farm to hunt down the perfect tree. This year, I think we might have chosen the best tree EVER!! It is perfection! As a child, I have vivid memories of trekking through a
How has 6 years flown by?!?