JJ came up with a great plan to Art Walk tonight and check out their photography exhibits. I have to say, the art was great, but the people were fabulous. Let's see, I donated 50 cents to a girl trying
It's strange that I looked before I posted. I normally don't. I had a feeling that Blam posted a sunset picture (and I was right), and I was surprised (although not that surprised) that Texx shot the sky as well.
Oh Texx, I missed you this evening! I looked out my kitchen window and all I could think was "Look West Clallam!" and I pictured you on your roof at home trying to get the best shot of the sky. I
We were stuck, stuck, STTTTUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK in traffic today on the way home from picking Mini-me up from afterschool Ballet. I mean that joint (the hwy) wasn't moving. So I pulled off after going about one mile in 45 minutes. Mini-me
I made it to 'Crack of Dawn' Yoga with a little help from Texx! :) I realized that it was my first yoga class since I was pregnant with #2, and he's nearly three! Needless to say, my tree would
Today ~ this 1st day of BLAMruary,2012 ~ was THE quintessential PhotogHer day! Mini-He is back to his, up @ 5 AM (not so cool). That gave me a solid lead on getting Mini-me's snack, clothes, yadda yadda everything ready
Again. It happened again. A fantastic morning filled with pea-soup fog, beautiful colors and amazing photo opportunities everywhere I looked! Alas, I was already running late for work, so I ended up pointing my camera in the general direction of
Sunny Sequim was certainly representing it's name today! Holla! I have a complete, uncontrollable scenery crush on this barn. That combined with the fact that I was actually early to drop little man off for school = improptu on the
31-366_Texx, a photo by iPhotogHer on Flickr. MY children LOVE each other, and greet each other with a great BIG hug, every time they go more than a 1/2 without seeing each other. It's moments like these that remind me, I
I love holidays, seasons, and any reason to hang things on the door. I think I need a year-round, rotating wreath collection. For now, this $2 find will do for February. I'm partial to February. It's so love-y. Granted, it's
Cash moves everything around me, dolla, dolla bills ya'll! Doing laundry today, yesterday and for the past 1,945 days (that's how many days since Mini-Me was born
Gwennie Mae and I decided to take Daddy out to lunch today. I hadn't had the 12 ounces of caffeine I'm allotted a day and G is a sucker for waffle fries. It was the best meal I've had in at least