Happy Birthday to the most beautiful being I know, my Mommy. Here is my Mommy Moment post for this week. As it falls on my mother's birthday. Even if my mother weren't the best dang MOM on earth
Ok, so let me say that from a technical standpoint this photo is the pits. But I love it because I was happy. So, so happy. All three of my beautiful babies were cuddling with me in bed and time
Mini-he invaded Mini-me's Science Box . It had a 48 piece puzzle and Dinos. So before having to return it, he rocked the puzzle, then T-Rex attacked me, LOL. An awesome Mommy Moment, Indeed. Moments influenced by a 3 year-old's mind are
Little Bub has started some food! Mostly just apple at this point, but he's a happy bub. Today he was giving me a hand with meal time. Bon appetit!
Mini-me is going to be in Peter-Pan. This was the dress rehearsal and the two different mirrors backstage made her appear much higher than she was. She was on my hip. Smoke and mirrors.
Have I said how much I am loving our 'Mommy Moment' Sundays? Not only am I trying to get myself in more of the weekly pictures, but I'm finding that I am engaging in sillier behavior and thinking more about
Our first 'mommy moment' post. I think I am really going to like this new element of photogher. Big Bro and I rode our bikes on the trail down the the river and back today. Since I've been working out
Little Man was on Winter Break from school on Friday and I decided to introduce him to the camera remote. Tell a kid to smile, nada. Give a kid a camera remote, endless fun!
Mommy Moment - #1 It's 4 in the A.M. here at the Texx Household. The children have ONCE AGAIN taken over, "The Mommy Daddy Bed". These moments wont last forever and until the children don't want anything to do with us, we shall
Teach was kind enough to gift me a family photo shoot for my baby shower, and I decided to cash it in for Christmas! The kids did great! Granted, we had to bribe them a lot, but I made sure