We ventured out the night before the BIG EAT to see David Sedaris. In Port Angeles. What?! Yes, David Sedaris in Port Angeles. We couldn't pass it up and I'm so glad we didn't!
Ok, ok, I give. He's 5. But he's still my baby.
Got some hot lunch with my honey bunny while Little Bub slumbered in his swing at home and the chuckleheads were at school with the Grandfolk. Love me some impromptu date time.
Ok, so Little Man's birthday party was today. BUT, it's not his birthday until Tuesday. He's not 5, yet.
It's the night before my first born's 5th birthday! I spent it sewing Spiderman themed pennants. Tomorrow will be cake, pizza, and silly string, oh my!
I saw Breaking Dawn 2 tonight. Yup, I'm a tween. And I have to say I went in all "Team Jacob!" and came out all "Team Edward!" He's so dreamy.
As coincidences go, this is pretty funny! I sewed this doll and her dress together on 19/366 and now on 319, a mere 300 pictures later, she's stuffed. Did I mention my project ADD? Well, I didn't have fill at
No clue what kind of tree this is, but I heart it.
Little Man had a pre-birthday celebration today at my in-laws. He turns 5 next Tuesday. 5. How is that possible? My first baby is a full blown kid.
The Hubs and I ventured into Seattle to see "Wicked" for our anniversary! It. Was. Awesome. It was also the longest I've ever been away from Little Bub. He missed me, I'm sure.