Got down to the marina for some yum-diddly-umcious dinner and squeezed in a quick photo shoot afterward. I fell in love with this couple and their dog. And his overalls. Love.
Got some good ole' fashioned fresh air today at the lake. Even Little Man stopped momentarily to take in the view.
Got the letter from school today with the dates for fall. Hard to believe summer is almost over. Little Man is going five days a week this year; I'm going to miss him!
Little Man is having a blast getting to know his baby bro. I told him the baby knows him because he could hear him in my belly, and he loves that! "He knows me! He knows me!"
You're going to have to put up with my Baby Boy obsession for a while. What can I say, he's frackin adorable and I want to eat his cheeks.
I'm a complete sucker for flowers. We've been the recipients of some amazing bouquets since Baby Boy hit the scene and I'm in heaven.
Project Bergstrom Garden has officially entered Phase 5: Let's Eat! We have beans galore, lettuce aplenty, and carrots coming out our ears. Now we're waiting for radishes, corn, zucchini, and tomatoes!
Home safe and sound, time to celebrate! Cheers to Baby BLAM!
Being a grandma.
In the wee hours of Monday morning, Baby Boy decided to bring all 10 pounds and 8 ounces of yummy baby goodness into the world. He had good timing, as he now shares his birthday with the Hubs, which is
Little Man and Little Miss were thrilled to bring Baby Boy into the circle of trust. :)
Baby Boy decided he was ready to meet us on Sunday. We spent the day being anxious, excited parents on the verge of meeting our third kiddo. Little did we know, he was planning to maintain the suspense until early,