Awesome party in my friend's backyard and farm. I love our little community of awesome people.
Oh my, he entertains me so. It's his world and I just live here. :)
I love this windmill that we pass everyday taking Mini-me to school and back. I've had my eye on this ol' boy for a while. Never noticed the writing on the tail. So, I guess this ones for you Blam.
This little pea plant has been growing in our window sill since planting it at the boy's school's station at the kids fair. It actually produced two little pods. So cute!
God bless you Safeway for selling Halloween candy excessively early. Signed, Sugar Addict
The road will ALWAYS turn
Little Miss and I stopped off on our way to the park to buy some $1 bread for the ducks. They were very appreciative.
There's only one week left until she turns 6. Birthday's always get to me. They're such a reminder on how very fast this is all going. Something happens between 5 and 6 where she'll loose the "Little" and just be
Nothing better on a sunny, warm, fall afternoon!
Today was a ridiculous, running around town, whirltastic kind of day. And yet, there's so many majestic, calming, unrushed and gorgeous views on my drive that it somehow reminds me to chill-ax, as the Hubs would say. (Chill + Relax
Sleep deprivation can make you do strange things. Like spend an entire afternoon taking 2/3 of kiddos to a doctor's appointment in the next town that is scheduled for TOMORROW! Ugh.