I'm a complete sucker for flowers. We've been the recipients of some amazing bouquets since Baby Boy hit the scene and I'm in heaven.
Friends and family traveled from many miles to attend this years Raf-A-Palooza. My brother would've turned 40 this year, on January 4th. August 24th will be the eight year anniversary of his passing. We usually find a way to get family together
Project Bergstrom Garden has officially entered Phase 5: Let's Eat! We have beans galore, lettuce aplenty, and carrots coming out our ears. Now we're waiting for radishes, corn, zucchini, and tomatoes!
One of my best and oldest friends is visiting, and we spent several hours at the beach with the boys today. Rocks, sticks, sand, boys finding random kids to play with and soaking up the warm sun while laying on
We leave early in the A.M. for NY and the 3rd Raf-A-Palooza. EEEEEEEEEE. I fear though I'm going to have to take my makeshift screenprinting {cricut stencil, contact paper, pizza box & spray paint) tee hee hee. I just wont
Home safe and sound, time to celebrate! Cheers to Baby BLAM!
I didn't take any pics yesterday with the DSLR
Had an at home day with the boys (apart from a marathon grocery shopping trip with them both. Why!?!), filled with laundry, badminton, weeding, and selling lemonade again. This evening, I have a few things heavy in my heart, one
Being a grandma.
On this 6th Day of August 2012, our beloved Blam gave birth to a beautiful, HEAVY, baby boy. It was the first news of my day and I was elated. We really are so very happy for Family Blam and
In the wee hours of Monday morning, Baby Boy decided to bring all 10 pounds and 8 ounces of yummy baby goodness into the world. He had good timing, as he now shares his birthday with the Hubs, which is
Little Man and Little Miss were thrilled to bring Baby Boy into the circle of trust. :)