The Path/ Backlighting {128/365 | texx}
May the path rise up to meet you; whichever you so choose.
May happiness be your measure of success.
There are times when you’ll be so good you’ll astonish yourself,
and those around you. Enjoy these moments but don’t let them cripple you with fear of future failures.
What makes you, you. Strong. Independent. Leader.
Every single time you TRY; regardless of the outcome,
you try, and this makes you better.
When you stumble and fall.
When you’re embarrassed and confused…
Your biggest strength is you.
GET UP… Dust off… fight your way to the front.
If not today, then tomorrow will do.
Be kind to yourself, but never ever suffice to pity (upon yourself nor others)
When you’ve wiped away the tears you will see that YOU and only you can measure
your success. You are your strongest ally.
~A Mother’s Wish.