{13/52} Quiet – Silhouette
My Mommy Moment is a bit of a cheat this week, but this was truly a moment. Last night I was at my wits’ end: Missing my brother (Easter weekend 2004 were the last days I’d see him alive). Tired from the long road trip home on Monday. We’d (I’d) woken up late and missed getting Mini-me to her car-pool (causing them to be late). Tons of travel laundry. Bathroom scrubbing that I’d put off for waaaayyyy too long. Dinner. Kids needing more from me than I could give…I was breaking.
After dinner the Hubs turned to me and said, “Why don’t you go? Go out and shoot.” Seriously, it was one of the sweetest things he’s ever said to me. It was just what I needed.
I drove listening to the rain pour down on the car roof. The windshield wipers on full blast, the sky lighting up with each flash of lightning and the booms of thunder, all ALONE..it was good for my soul.
I pulled over to snap a good ol’ Texas road and turned to my right and saw the image below. When I was a senior in H.S. my beloved Art teacher past away and during his eulogy his son said to look for the beauty in all that’s around us. Every time you see a rainbow to remember his father. I do, and I think of my brother and all the beauty he brought. At that moment and the rainbow we’d seen on our trip home I know he was there with me. I took a deep breath and remembered how very little most of the stuff that’s bugging me today will matter tomorrow.
In your darkest moments, stop; let even the smallest amount of light in…This is the only way you can have your rainbow. ~Chandra