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{150/366 | JJ} Tee to the Ball

If it was a smidge warmer, I would be ALL over this TBall thing.  #1 is enjoying it when he is batting, and playing first base or catcher. Otherwise, he’s pretty much just picking dandelions or chatting it up with his opponents as they pass by.  Not too much action in the left outfield at this stage.  They are just so darn cute in their oversized helmets and baggy polyester pants, though!

Hi,  I'm Jen. I am a natural light family portrait photographer serving the north Olympic peninsula. I love babies, capturing joy, and running around with my two energetic boys. Sunsets, fields of grass or fireweed, rivers, the ocean, my family and friends feed my soul. And also grande nonfat lattes with a pack of sugar....

Comments: 1

  • 29 May ’12

    Cool shot!

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