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{22/365 | JJ} ~dream~ Fuzzy

I had a dream the night of the Golden Globes that George Clooney was my boyfriend.  It was very innocent…we just cuddled on the couch the night after the big event.  I remember thinking, “Just a few short hours ago he was with a good majority of Hollywood, and now he wants to be with ME.”  When I awoke, the giddy feeling was so real and fresh, but as many dreams do, the details fade and become fuzzy.   I’ll just wait until my subconscious conjures up another vivid tale tonight. I have a few others on my list that are welcome on my couch 🙂  In the meantime, I’ll leave this post and go join my REAL dream boat over on our REAL sofa.IMG_4425

Hi,  I'm Jen. I am a natural light family portrait photographer serving the north Olympic peninsula. I love babies, capturing joy, and running around with my two energetic boys. Sunsets, fields of grass or fireweed, rivers, the ocean, my family and friends feed my soul. And also grande nonfat lattes with a pack of sugar....