{24/366 | Texx} The Fog
It rained all day long here, much needed rain in this drought ridden neck of the woods. I went outside to get some pics of the epic fog that’s my house fence to the left there. In the rocks that I was standing on for this shot I found a ginormous clam shell fossil. I gave it to Mini-Me she’s stoked ;o)
Below is my runner up…I took a few steps into the field to my right and was swarmed by the thousands (literally JJ) of birds that fly over our house at sunrise and sunset. It reminded me of the Alfred Hitchcock (hee hee) movie Birds. Check out the one in the upper left… Looks like our T-Bird logo doesn’t it? LOL. Off to teach my first photog class- wish me luck!
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The fog picture is blowing my mind! Love it! Also, want to hear more about your class! So exciting!
The Professor
Yes! Wonderful!
For serious? Student has become the teacher?! Congrats!