{251/366 | Texx} WatRita…Oh My!
What? Waat? WAT? Okay, I’ve really outdone meself this time ladies! WatRita {Watermelon-Margarita} consist of:
- Juice o’ the watermelon that The A-Team (my fam) grew, {Watermelon was presented in its own shell (note picture) for today’s Coffee Social at Mini-me’s school}
- Juice o’ 2 Meyer Lemons – delivered to our door, and grown at a Local farm via {Greenling.com}
- Tequila (of course)
- Shaken (must use a Wonder Woman Tumbler)
- Champagne & Grand Marnier Topper….Taste like an All-Natural Jolly Rancher but not too sweet.
Took this pic before my first sip…I. AM. IN. LOVE! Sooooo Fresh and Delicious. I’m glad I made the juice w/o the booze the Kiddos can try some in the AM. It’s so frakin’ good!
Successfully growing melons may just rectify this unbearable heat! *SIP* mmm-hmmm I thinks it mights.
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