
Hi there! This is Esben, an elegant photography theme. Are you ready to show your work to the world?


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{30/365 | texx} Be ~ me

Thanks, to one and all, for the fabulous birthday wishes and loverly gifts Blam & JJ. I’m starting a 365 and hoping that others will join in. I’ll really try to get that up tomorrow. Thanks JJ for the lovely post yesterday, I ♥ you too.

I’d like to note that 40×40 is not really about losing my 40 lbs by my 40th birthday in 364 days. It’s about finding ME. Reclaiming my health and happiness.  I have no desire to relive my youth, (you know, until 32, LOL) but somewhere along this amazing path through mommyhood, wifery, care giver and becoming a SAHM – I’ve forgotten how to take care of me.

I love my family, friends and my wonderful life. All the boundless love I receive from an amazing group of people, for it I’m eternally grateful. When we become mommies we hear, take time for yourself. Don’t forget about you.  Somehow, for me at least, I’ve fallen into the same trap as many others and along the way I’ve forgotten some really important things.

No time like the present to change the things ya don’t like. All in all, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 40×40 is about finding my fierce. Right now it’s all just a little blurry. 364 days to go…


Howdy! Obsessed with all things photography. Love to teach, and heal through this art. #photogHER2Day Coming to you from Austin, Tx. Above all else (and it's a lot) I'm Mom to Abby & Atlas. Married to my greatest supporter and friend, Curt. Everyday, I choose gratitude over grief.  #MakeTheTime to create for me, so I can be the very best for all those in my life. My "Why": 10 years ago I lost my brother. He was my best friend, my mentor, my compass.  He got sick out of the blue at the 30 years-old and was an inspiration to many. He traveled the world and never had many images to show for it all. I cherish ALL the images we have of Rafael. Blurry or not, I only wish we had more. I capture images of my everyday. Obssessed with capturing moments of my children, of my life and even my businesses. I believe the only thing that seperates a good image from a great image is its ability to tell a story and ultimately make you, the viewer, feel something.