{39/366 | Texx} Full Circle
Beauty is a form of genius – is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon. ” ~Oscar Wilde
Today we got Mama B back. Waited for almost a month. This is the third time in my not so long life that I’ve received a loved one’s remains. If you’ve never dealt with death before, you’re probably creeped-out, but it’s just full circle….The Circle of Life.
I know sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Death is just a part of life, period. Through our busy lives, child raising, self wallowing ~ insanity, we often forget, what a GIFT this all is ~ To be here. To have another day to make a difference. To appreciate every single breath!
There will come a day when there will be no more breath and it’s taboo to talk about…However, being here again ~in my 38th year of LIFE~ I feel I have some expertise on the matter… Live your days, everyday, doing what you want to do. Find your passion and make it work. Do NOT worry about others: What will they think? If I only…? EFF THAT…Life is too damn short…Chase the Day (Sequi Diem). If you haven’t found your way yet…Look to the Moon, look to the Sun, look where you’re standing right this moment and take it ALL in!
It’s a beautiful life. Every single person you meet changes you and you them. Do NOT waste time on the what IFs! Rather spend time on that twinkling light in the distance and BELIEVE you CAN!
Full Circle!
♥ Texx

Pick of the Full Moon Tonight...Full Circle! Took this with a really small aperture and had to place a chair on the grill, because I still refuse to use the tripod. LOL
Here’s second runner up SOOC ( I know it’s crooked) chased Sunset tonight, it felt GREAT! Sparkly shoes, adidas sweats ( i mean “House Pants”), Curt’s Marine School of Infantry Tee, and cute white leather camera bag…LOL It was quite a site for my 5 pics… but so worth it…Again SOOC (Straight Off Of Camera)
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The Professor
You are such a sun worshiper, and so appropriately, for you are a bright light in this world, Chandra! I hope it’s a LOOOOONG time before any more human remains wind up in your hands but the reason they do is that YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH.