{40/366 | JJ} Cows….
“Cows…They’re remarkable cows. Wherever they go, they put on a show, oh, you know they are cows. That’s right they’re cows!”
Ugg…..need to kick this bug and get back into energy mode. Energy for entertaining my children who need a constant parental creativity to keep from chasing each other into walls, wondering the house, getting out every toy that they own to not play with it, but just scatter them. In addition, I need to get more of a creative umph! I’m feeling bored and boring and even though I’ve been poring over books to inspire ideas and get excited, its not quite happening. Ok…my new motto. If you don’t like it, change it! I need to get outside and see something new and interesting…
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I DO, Prof, I DO! Can’t wait! Just a few short days away!
The Professor
Sounds like you need a little photog therapy to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And an awesome workshop is right around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!