{48/366 | Texx} Timeless Selfie
A plan foiled is what today started out as, me tired and needed some more rest. Ended up getting off to a late start, me again. Due to picking up Mini-me constraints ended up just shooting at this State Park on the way to where we were going to shoot today.
As soon as we got to the “Falls” me-Mentor went one way and I went another, lost in timelessness, art capturing. Just as we did the day before, true therapy for both Mentor and Me. Finding our own way through this amazing world.
I caught back up with T and she asked me to take this image. I’m haveing a hard time with metering and exposure on my rented tilt-shift so she handed me her camera… Here I am with my “Got Crabs” coffee mug (wine-filled) and JJ earrings (that I wore today whilst shooting &as I edit)…It’s the closest I could have me PhotogHers with me through these lessons….And here’s to all of us editing together :o)
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Yay! Like the old days! We shall invade Texas soon 🙂
Awwwww! That is so sweet! So crabs was one of the things you got today, huh? 😉
We 3 have to get together SOOOON! Photog Therapy sessions all together! I need to get out and get inspired as you obviously have been! You go girl! 🙂
Ugg with the You Go Girl…But yes indeedy to the rest…