{87/366 | Texx} ReDonkulous Sunrise!
This morning I got asked if I could drive The Abinator to school. I said sure (dreading the morning traffic), then I looked East and I witnessed the beginnings of this. This REDONKULOUS Sunrise. I got The Kid out, into the car 10 minutes earlier than usual. Anyone that knows me knows, early aint my thang! We stopped a couple of times and she asked me, “Mommy what’s Redonkulous?” LOL And I just pointed to the sky and said, “THAT, that IS Redonkulous!” She smiled, and my day had been creatively complete by 7:30am before I’d really done anything. But mostly, I got to say…
Look East Austin! Look East.
I know at least one other Austininian got the message and got to see the first hand. This is Glory in all her Glory.
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So lovely. The one with the fog is amazing. I want to go to there….
soooooooo….come on DOWN! :o)